Our accident and health insurance portfolio offers products that are fully adaptable to the needs of your business, whether big or small.

Employee Benefits

Group Hospitalisation & Surgical

Essential Protection for Your Safety
Disclosure Sheet (Enhanced) Policy (Enhanced) Disclosure Sheet Policy

Employee Safety

Group Personal Accident

Round-the-clock protection for your staff, whether they're work or at play.
Brochure Policy

Group Personal Sentinel V3

Shield your workforce with comprehensive personal accident coverage.
 Brochure Dislosure Sheet Policy

Z-Corporate Travel

Gain peace of mind during overseas business trips.
Brochure & Proposal Form Disclosure Sheet Policy

Z-Travel (Domestic/Inbound)

Gain peace of mind whenever you travel for work in Malaysia.
Brochure Disclosure Sheet PolicyGroup Policy

Foreign Workers

Foreign Worker Hospitalization & Surgical Insurance (SKHPPA)

Covers your foreign workers' medical expenses due to accidents or illnesses. 
Disclosure Sheet Policy

Foreign Workers Insurance Guarantee (FWIG)

Covers your costs should your foreign workers be repatriated.
 Disclosure Sheet

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